True Eco is your one-stop provider when you desire for design and installation of anaerobic digestion system and biogas plant. We understand that each agricultural and industrial operation is different in terms of processing, management, site layout, electricity power requirements, national grid access and more. Our years of experience and knowledge allow us to recognize this fluidity and assess each project case with a brand new sheet of paper before we develop an efficient and sensible biogas system for our customers.
1. What is biogas?
2. What is anaerobic digester?
3. Is biogas safe?
4. How to profit from biogas plant?
5. How long does a biogas project take?

6. What causes a failed biogas plant?
7. Is biogas plant right for me?
1. What is biogas?
Biogas is a gas produced through the fermentation of organic substrates in the absence of oxygen, principally comprising of methane and carbon dioxide along with other trace gases. Biogas can be harvested from landfills, covered lagoons, or enclosed tanks, namely anaerobic digester or biogas reactor. Typically, biogas is comprised of 60% methane and 40% carbon dioxide. It is similar to natural gas which is comprised of an average 95% methane content.
2. What is anaerobic digester?
An anaerobic digester is a biogas reactor that processes organic material that produces biogas. It can be designed in different shapes and sizes, depending on the project site evaluations and ultimate biogas utilization objectives. The renewable input materials can be agricultural wastes, food wastes, slaughterhouse wastes, animal dung, human excreta, industrial wastes and domestic wastes with high organic contents.
3. Is biogas safe?
Biogas, containing primarily methane, is flammable and should be dealt with in a safe and secure manner. Under normal operating conditions, biogas itself is not explosive. No naked flame, sparks and static electricity should be allowed in the vicinity of a biogas plant, and rotating equipment must be of suitable quality and explosion proof.
Some trace gases in biogas composition are acidic and can be corrosive to certain kinds of metals and need to be taken into consideration of. One should not breathe biogas for each components in biogas has its own problem towards human health, as well as displacing oxygen. At a meticulously engineered biogas plant, adequate ventilation, appropriate precautions and proper protective equipment will minimise the dangers associated with biogas, making it a good servant rather than a bad master.
4. How to profit from biogas plant?
Whenever there is an input, there is an output. It always costs your money to get rid of waste. If it does not cost you a dollar, there could be a tendency that you are contributing to environmental hazard.
It is a waste-to-wealth approach when you invest in a biogas plant. When the waste substrate fed to the biogas reactor is optimally utilized, there creates a potential revenue centre. The continuous yielded by-product, biogas, can be harvested to create a revenue stream by employing it as biofuel to boiler for heat generation, to produce electricity or it can be upgraded and compressed to become non-fossil natural gas.
On the other hand, the supernatant from the reactor consists of lesser sludge content that greatly reduces the load to downstream treatment processes before it is discharged. The sludge collected at the reactor could be further processed to biofertiliser.
5. How long does a biogas project take?
Depending on the capacity of the plant, it generally takes 9 to 12 months to deliver a biogas plant project at an accessible project location. Some projects located at challenging environment may take 2 years to be successfully commissioned.
6. What causes a failed biogas plant?
Biogas plant runs 24-hour operation and requires continuous monitoring and attention. A biogas plant is like a pet. We must feed it regularly with the right stuff in the right amount and condition. If we do not understand our pet's diet and we neglect its behavioural needs, it will become ill and fail you.
Based on our experience, the following could be the reasons of biogas plant failure.
Feedstock to the reactor was interrupted
Operators were lacking of appropriate operation skills and did not receive accurate and adequate training
Plant owner did not receive technical support to troubleshoot their system
Improper selection and under-sizing of reactor system and equipment
Poor design entailed with expensive maintenance and repairing works
Diminishing or no financial returns of the system
7. Is biogas plant right for me?
The first step is to perform a feasibility study to evaluate the sensibility of a biogas plant in your current operations. A simple assessment can be simulated for you when you drop us your enquiry together with the essential information. The key questions include
Do you have a waste stream with high organic content?
Do you have access to sufficient feedstock to the biogas plant?
Do you have an intention to utilize biogas and the digested sludge?
When the evaluation report reflect positive results, this document serves as the basis for subsequent detailed design and other processes to bring the project to life.
True Eco is an independent company and does not represent any equipment brand. We sell our expertise.
We are passionate and committed to work for you and guide you in the development of a comprehensive biogas project at your operations.